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Reaching Out From Within is an organization of volunteers. There are more than 600 incarcerated men and women who voluntarily attend weekly ROFW group meetings inside Kansas and North Carolina correctional facilities. Incarcerated ROFW members voluntarily lead discussions around one of the topics addressed in The Blue Book™, facilitating these meetings.

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Each of those resident groups has a volunteer sponsor from the neighboring communities in order to have their weekly meetings. We are always in need of more volunteer group sponsors. Contact us if you are willing to help out a non profit volunteer group.


We also have a group of community volunteers in Kansas who mentor ROFW group members as they are released on parole. The mentoring relationship begins 6 or more months prior to release and continues for 6 or more months following release. The volunteer sponsor mentors are matched with residents who are released to the community where the mentor lives. Contact us at if you have an interest in mentoring.


Non profit volunteer group sponsors and mentors receive training from us and the Department of Corrections. If you are not interested in volunteering inside the correctional facility or in a one-on-one mentoring relationship, there are other volunteer opportunities with Reaching Out From Within. We need your help with our important mission: We support individuals to become role models for non-violence while incarcerated and model citizens upon their release.


Thanks for submitting!

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